
Just Passing Through

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As you go through these lessons you are going to learn  how the power of the cross works. You won’t feel the power of the cross UNLESSyou place something on it. 

*It would be like  staring at a POWER LINE.  You  have been TOLD that there is power in the  lines , but UNLESS you touch the  wires you WONT know that they are ALIVE.

The cross is the same way,  the wires are faith and  the word of God  . UNLESS you touch the wires together  you will not know the power of the cross. It will ONLY fail you IF  you don’t  apply itcorrectly to your daily life.

For me the challenge has been to learn which wires(scriptures)  to  connect that  would bring change to my BROKEN heart and my circumstances.  I was losing everyone that I loved and I just couldn’t understand why?

I kept crying out to God, where are you???? To me, I had done something wrong, but what was it?? 

I couldn’t understand! I was speaking the word , I had faith that could move mountains but NOTHING was happening. I felt so deceived and this just broke me more. 

The people that I believed would be HEALED, died. The incurable disease that I believed could be healed, didn’t. The relationships that I was believing for , left me. The financial gain  that I was tithing for , didn’t happen. Etc. 

I lost my house because I was tithing so that I did  NOT rob God anymore.   I was tithing more than 10 percent because I BELIEVED a LIE .I believed that  I had been robbing God for many years and IF I didn’t make up for it, my finances would NEVER change. 

But I didn’t STOP trying to learn. I knew the word of God worked because I had already felt the power of it when God healed me  of Unforgiveness.(Matthew 5:44) .   I  just could NOT understand why it APPEARED to have STOPPED there. (He was still drawing me in, to come)

You see he saw things that I couldn’t see. He saw the traps of the enemy that were hindering me from his purpose. Until I started to do what the word was telling me to do , CONFESS to others, I would stay trapped and would not experience his power any further. 

 You see IT was easy to repent to God behind closed doors . No one could see my hatred towards others, but God. I felt safe. It was the NEXT STEPS that made me uncomfortable . It has taken me time to do these steps ,I wont lie.

Emptying myself of PRIDE was not an easy task .As I did each step I emptied myself in exchange for GODS power .I placed my sins UPON the CROSS and he filled me with the HOLY SPIRIT . The more I emptied myself and prayed that he will fill me with the Holy Spirit the stronger my anointing became.

I became stronger and stronger to withstand these tests. It has been an amazing journey full of hatred, tears turned to peace, joy and laughter. He is an amazing Father and Jesus has been an amazing brother and Savior. My hero! If you do the work , then you will see a transformation that is amazing!!

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