• Testimonials

    Good Things Are Often Scary At first!

    It is SCARY as hell when darkness meets the LIGHT because we anticipate persecution coming into the light. Why do we anticipate this type of treatment? Because we FEAR what we have done to others will come back to us. It is NEVER easy to enter into the light because our sins are exposed. Where we thought that we were a good person…the word will STRIP us and show us the truth that there is none good but God alone. Even Jesus said this… Mark 10:18-21 And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good…

  • Testimonials

    The Making Of A Prostitute

    When I was a little girl ,I was always dreaming about what love looked like . To me, it meant not letting people down, always being available for them if they needed me, it meant always watching over them in order to protect them. It meant NEVER telling them NO. I forced myself to hug people that I didn’t want to hug because when I was a child I was taught that it was rude to not hug them back and that it would hurt their feelings. I began to feel bad because I thought that I was being MEAN…